The Office of Graduate Student Life recognizes that graduate students who are caring for children have a unique set of needs, and we hope this compilation of resources will support your educational pursuits while you navigate the experiences, joys, and stressors that come with being a parenting student. We have created this website as a platform for locating resources, policies, support services, and community engagement opportunities that are available to parenting students and graduate students experiencing pregnancy and related conditions.
Students who are parenting, pregnant, experiencing a pregnancy-related condition, or the partners of someone who is pregnant or experiencing a related condition, regardless of gender, are entitled to equal access to education, employment, and other university programs and activities under federal law. If you have experienced bias or discrimination based on one of these protected statuses, please contact Molly Rynn or Dr. Amy Miele in the Office of Compliance and Title IX by emailing or calling 848-932-8200.
Support Services and Resources
Below is a compilation of resources available to parenting graduate students and graduate students experiencing pregnancy and related conditions. The Office of Graduate Student Life is not responsible for and does not control the content of the websites listed below and is not endorsing any of these resources or any of their associated entities. Please email if you are struggling to get connected to services or unsure of who to speak to concerning the challenges you are facing.
Unless otherwise noted, international students have access to any resource listed on this webpage. Rutgers Health-RBHS Students should note that some University resources on this page are only available to Rutgers-New Brunswick students in which case, Rutgers Health-RBHS students should contact the appropriate RBHS office for support. Rutgers Health-RBHS students may freely access any support service or resource located outside of the university.
- Campus Community
Supporting Parents and Caregivers at Rutgers (GSO)
Click HERE to visit the SPCR Website.
Click HERE to view the SPCR getINVOLVED page.
Click HERE to join the SPCR WhatsApp group.Supporting Parents and Caregivers at Rutgers (SPCR) is a Graduate Student Organization that works to: 1) Connect graduate student parents and caregivers across departments for social connection and mutual support, 2) Direct graduate student parents and caregivers to existing resources in the University and local communities, and 3) Advocate for the needs of graduate student parents and caregivers to effect change at the department and University level. Any Rutgers graduate or undergraduate student, postdoctoral fellow, faculty or staff member, or non-affiliated Rutgers member who identifies as a parent or caregiver or wishes to support parents and caregivers at Rutgers are welcome to join SPCR!
International Women's Group of Rutgers University: Open to International Women– Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Spouses
Click HERE for more information.The International Women's Group of Rutgers University (IWG) is a volunteer organization with membership open to all international women who study or work at Rutgers or are spouses of Rutgers students. The members of IWG help each other to build a new life and community while adjusting to New Jersey and Rutgers.
Family Friendly Space on Cook Campus
Location: Food Science & Nutritional Sciences West Building, Room 103, 65 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (Cook Campus)
Click HERE to view the Baby Friendly Space Club getINVOLVED page.
Click HERE to view a publication with additional information about the Family Friendly Space.The Family Friendly Space on Cook Campus provides a space for parenting students to work with their children nearby and is equipped with a lactation space, changing station, sink, baby sleeping space, a social area, and a workspace with wifi. The Family Friendly Space is currently maintained by the Baby Friendly Space Club, they can be contacted at, click HERE to view their getINVOLVED page.
Child-Friendly Programs Hosted by the Rutgers Libraries
Click HERE to view the events calendar for the Rutgers Libraries.
The Rutgers Libraries hosts a variety of events and programs catered to children, tweens, and teens. Check out the Rutgers Libraries events calendar to see upcoming child-friendly programs.
Social Events for International Parenting Students
Click HERE to view the Fall 2024 Friendship Fridays hosted by Rutgers Global.
Click HERE for the full calendar of events offered by Rutgers GlobalFriendship Fridays are open to all Rutgers undergraduate and graduate students, domestic and international, and feature a different theme each week, where students can enjoy games, activities, and conversations while meeting new friends from all around the world! Click HERE to learn more about Friendship Fridays hosted by Rutgers Global.
Rutgers Global has additional programs that are open to international parenting students and are kid-friendly. Click HERE for the calendar of events.
Ph.D. Mamas Facebook Group
Click HERE to learn more or join Ph.D. Mamas.
Ph.D. Mamas is a Facebook group that provides support to those who identify as mothers navigating academia. Ph.D Mamas strives to facilitate, promote, and advocate for structural changes within higher education to creates a more equitable and inclusive space for mothers.
Find Free and Low-Cost Family-Friendly Events All Over New Jersey!
Click HERE to learn more.
Check out Jersey Family Fun to find a calendar of free and low-cost family-friendly events in each New Jersey county!- Student Basic Needs Support
Assistance Accessing Food, Housing, Clothing, Childcare, Healthcare, Transportation, Financial Resources and More
Office of Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships: Student Basic Needs
Location: 39 Union St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
Request an appointment HERE
Instagram: @rubasicneeds
Click HERE for more information.The Office of Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships: Student Basic Needs aims to assist Rutgers Students who are struggling to meet one or more of their basic needs. Basic Needs include but are not limited to food, housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, transportation, and financial or other resources. Student Basic Needs provides a variety of supports and referrals to assist students in ensuring their basic needs are met including the food and mobile food pantry, an emergency aid fund, and assistance navigating external assistance resources.
- Food Resources
Rutgers Student Food Pantry & Mobile Food Pantry
Click HERE to view operating hours and location information.
The Rutgers Student Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry is dedicated to helping all Rutgers students in need of food. Students can visit the Student Food Pantry located in the College Avenue Student Center or visit one of several Mobile Food Pantry locations and receive about one week’s worth of groceries, no questions asked. Click HERE to learn more about the Rutgers Student Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry.
International Student Shopping Shuttle Service
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE to view the Spring 2025 Shuttle Schedule.Rutgers Global–International Student and Scholar Services arrange shopping shuttles to local stores throughout the semester and summer so students can purchase groceries and other living essentials. Click the schedule links to sign up and reserve your spot on the shuttle. International students and scholars who have signed up will be given preference to ride on the shuttle. You may also register your dependents for the shuttle.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Click HERE for more information about SNAP.
Click HERE to view SNAP eligibility criteria.
Click HERE for information about your local County Social Service Agency that offers SNAP services.
Click HERE for more information about free SNAP application assistance provided by CFBNJ.New Jersey's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides food assistance to families with low incomes by providing a benefits card that can be used to buy groceries at most food retail stores and some farmers markets (including many vendors at the New Brunswick Farmers Market).
The Community FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ) offers free, multilingual, assistance (in-person and virtual) applying for SNAP benefits. CFBNJ can help you determine your eligibility for SNAP and provide assistance completing the online application, click HERE for more information. International students are not eligible to apply for SNAP.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Click HERE for more information about WIC.
Click HERE to view WIC eligibility criteria (on page 2).
Click HERE for information about your local WIC agency.
Click HERE to view WIC lactation resources.WIC is a public assistance program that provides nutrition and lactation education, nutritious foods, and improved access to regular healthcare and social services to low and moderate income women who are pregnant, postpartum, or lactating and children age 5 or under with, or at risk of developing nutrition-related health problems. There are no citizenship or immigration status requirements to apply for WIC benefits and international students may apply.
New Brunswick Community Farmers Market
Click HERE to view operating hours and location information.
Visit the New Brunswick Community Farmers Market for high-quality fresh fruits and vegetables, honey, flowers, and more! Many vendors accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits, Good Food Bucks, WIC benefits, Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits, and Market Bucks provided by Rutgers Student Basic Needs. Click HERE for more information about the New Brunswick Community Farmers Market.
- Financial Support Resources
Rutgers Emergency Aid Fund
Click HERE for more information and to find the application for Emergency Aid
The Rutgers Emergency Aid Fund provides RU-New Brunswick students with one-time need-based financial support for unforeseen, unavoidable, and unplanned costs associated with emergencies like accidents, illnesses, fire and water damage, or the need for emergency housing or food. International and undocumented students are eligible to apply for the Emergency Aid Fund.
Caregiver Professional Travel Grants for TAs and GAs
Click HERE for more information.
Graduate students with teaching or graduate assistant appointments who incur caregiver expenses when traveling to present an accepted paper at a professional meeting or conference may be eligible for a Caregiver Professional Travel Grant. This is a short-term, taxable grant, funding can be used to cover expenses incurred for extra care at home while traveling or on-site care while at a meeting or conference, up to $250 per academic year.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/WFNJ)
Click HERE for more information and to view eligibility criteria.
Work First New Jersey (WFNJ, also known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or TANF) is a New Jersey assistance program that provides monthly financial, childcare, job search and readiness, and short-term housing support for eligible New Jersey residents. International students are not eligible to apply for TANF/WFNJ.
New Jersey Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Click HERE for more information and to view eligibility criteria.
The New Jersey Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps very low-income residents with their heating and cooling bills and makes provisions for emergency heating system services and emergency fuel assistance. International students are not eligible to apply for LIHEAP.
- Childcare Resources
On-Campus Preschool Rutgers Psychology Child Development Center
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE to view tuition information.The Rutgers Psychology Child Development Center provides education and childcare to children ages 1 through 5 at two full-year preschools that are sponsored and operated by the Rutgers University Department of Psychology on the Cook-Douglass Campuses. Rutgers students, faculty, and staff receive priority enrollment.
Rutgers Caregiver Support Pilot Program (Class 6 TAs and GAs)
Click HERE for more information.
The Rutgers Caregiver Support Pilot Program with provides Class 6 teaching and graduate assistants (TAs and GAs) with a free membership and 5 days of subsidized backup child and adult care. Class 6 TAs and GAs can sign up for a membership at or by calling 855-781-1303, using their email address.
New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Click HERE for more information and to view eligibility criteria.
The New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provides assistance to income-eligible parents who are in school, working, or in job training, to pay for childcare. Children must be U.S. citizens or qualified non-citizens (including lawful permanent residents or refugees) in order to be eligible to apply for CCAP.
- Local Schooling and Education Resources
New Brunswick Public Schools
Phone: (732) 745-5300
Click HERE for more information about New Brunswick Public Schools.
Click HERE to learn more about registering your child for New Brunswick Public Schools.The New Brunswick Public School district offers Pre-K and K12 education, including specialized services for children with special needs for children who reside in the city of New Brunswick.
Piscataway Township Public Schools
Phone: (732) 572-2289
Click HERE for more information about Piscataway Township Public Schools.
Click HERE for more information about K-12 enrollment procedures.
Click HERE for more information about Pre-K and enrollment procedures.The Piscataway Township Public School district offers Pre-K and K12 education, including specialized services for children with special needs for children who reside in Piscataway.
Head Start Programs
Click HERE for more information about Head Start Programs.
Click HERE for more information about eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Click HERE for more information about Head Start services in New Brunswick offered by Acelero Learning.The Head Start Program is a free, educational program for low-income families that aims to support the educational development of children from birth to age 5. The Early Head Start Program serves children as young as six weeks old and up to three years old, while Head Start focuses on children aged three to five. Head Start programs provide high quality, early education services that address educational, health, and nutritional needs, including screenings, free medical and dental care, and daycare support. All programs welcome children with disabilities.
- Medical and Healthcare Resources
Rutgers Student Health: Pregnancy Counseling, Referrals, Sexual Health, and Wellness Services
Rutgers Student Health
Phone: 848-932-7402
Schedule an appointment online HERE.
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE for FAQs about sexual and reproductive wellness services and click HERE for FAQs about insurance and billing.Rutgers Student Health provides pregnancy counseling and referral services for prenatal care and pregnancy termination. Rutgers Student Health also provides a comprehensive range of sexual health and wellness services including: gynecological visits, male sexual health visits, STI screening and treatment, contraceptive consultation and prescription (options for hormonal and Long Acting Reversible Contraception devices such as an Implant or Intrauterine Device).
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Franklin Township Center of Somerset, NJ
Location: 1323 Route 27, Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: (833)-365-7526 (If you need immediate medical attention, call 911)
Click HERE for more information.Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable healthcare, and the nation's largest provider of sex education. Individuals can access healthcare services at planned parenthood with or without insurance including abortion care, contraception (and emergency contraception), pregnancy testing and planning, STI testing and treatment, sexual and reproductive healthcare, and more.
The Eric B. Chandler Health Center
The Eric B. Chandler Health Center
Primary Location: 277 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Church Street Annex Location: 123 Church St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
New Brunswick High School Location: 1000 Somerset Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732)-235-6700 (If you need immediate medical attention, call 911)
Click HERE to learn more about the Eric B. Chandler Health Center.
Click HERE to learn more about the services available at the Eric B. Chandler Health Center.
Click HERE to learn more about insurance coverage and sliding scale payments.The Eric B. Chandler Health Center is a federally qualified community health center operated by Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and the Eric B. Chandler Community Board. They provide comprehensive medical services including adult and family medicine, dentistry, laboratory services, nutrition services, infectious disease, and more. The Eric B. Chandler Health Center accepts a variety of insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare and participates in federal and state-funded programs that provide services to uninsured individuals and others on a sliding scale basis based on their ability to pay. Spanish and sign language interpretation services are also available.
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH)
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
Location: 1 Robert Wood Johnson Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 828-3000 (If you need immediate medical attention, call 911)
Click HERE for more information about RWJUH.
Click HERE for more information about pediatric care.
Click HERE for more information about maternity services and new parent education classes.
Click HERE for more information about women’s health services, including family planning.Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) is a leading academic medical center dedicated to providing high-quality healthcare services to their patients. They offer a number of resources for parents and pregnant individuals, including maternity services; gynecological care and family planning services; a labor and delivery unit with facilities that are well-equipped to handle routine as well as high risk deliveries; a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); pediatric care including a full range of general and specialized surgery services and a pediatric trauma center; and more. They also offer new parent and childbirth education classes.
Saint Peter’s Hospital (SPUH)
Saint Peter’s University Hospital
Location: 254 Easton Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 745-8600 (If you need immediate medical attention, call 911)
Click HERE for more information about SPUH.
Click HERE for more information about pediatric care.
Click HERE for more information about maternity services.
Click HERE for more information about parenting education classes.Saint Peter’s University Hospital is a non-profit teaching hospital associated with Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen. They are dedicated to providing excellent care and patient safety. SPUH is home to the first and only hospital-owned birth center in the state to be accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth centers. They also offer a number of resources for parents and pregnant individuals, including maternity services like labor and delivery, including a level 4 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); a full range of pediatric care services; and parent education classes.
NJ FamilyCare and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Click HERE for more information.
Qualifying New Jersey residents of any age may be eligible for free or low-cost health insurance through New Jersey's publicly funded health insurance program, NJ FamilyCare. NJ FamilyCare includes those who qualify for Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or Medicaid. Children under 19 may apply for NJ FamilyCare regardless of their immigration status.
Save on Prescription Medications with GoodRx
Click HERE for more information.
GoodRx offers free coupons to save on prescription medications and allows you to compare medication prices and discounts available at pharmacies near you. GoodRx coupons are easy to use, save them to your phone or print them and show them to your pharmacist when picking up your prescription. Prices on some medications may be lower than using insurance.
- Mental Healthcare Resources
Crisis and Emergency Support
If you are experiencing a crisis and are in immediate danger or need immediate medical attention, call 911.
24/4 Crisis Phone Line: Call or Text 988 (English and Spanish)
24/7 Crisis Text Line: 741-741
24/7 LGBTQIA+ Crisis Hotline - Trevor Project: Call 866-488-7386 or Text 678-678
Trans LifeLine (crisis hotline run by Transgender people for Transgender people): call 877-565-8860 (English & Spanish, 1pm-9pm EST, Monday-Friday)
CAPS on-call crisis counselor (available Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm): 848-932-7882A CAPS on-call crisis counselor is available Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm (except university holidays) to provide support for students experiencing a psychological or emotional crisis. Call CAPS (848-932-7882) or visit 17 Senior Street on the College Ave Campus to access the on-call crisis counselor. Click HERE for more information.
Counseling and Mental Health Support
Rutgers Student Health: CAPS (Counseling, Alcohol & Other Drug Assistance Program, & Psychiatric Services)
Phone: 848-932-7884
24/4 Crisis Phone Line: Call or Text 988 (English and Spanish)
24/7 Crisis Text Line: 741-741
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE for FAQs about insurance and billing.CAPS is the Rutgers University mental health support resource that provides a variety of services including crisis intervention, individual therapy, group therapy, workshops, alcohol and substance-use assistance programs, psychiatric care & medication management, and community referrals.
Let's Talk Drop In Counseling Conversations
Call 848-932-7884, menu option 2 to schedule a Let's Talk session.
Click HERE to learn more and view the schedule for drop-in sessions.Let's Talk sessions are free, private and confidential drop-in Conversations with licensed mental health professionals offered by Rutgers Student Health: CAPS. Let’s Talk sessions are offered by CAPS community-based counselors who are located on all five campuses with a variety of availability options. Community-based counselors are diverse in social, racial, ethnic, gender, age, and sexual identities to meet the diverse needs of our graduate population. Let's Talk sessions are offered in-person, via telehealth or phone. Drop-in Let's Talk sessions are offered but you can schedule a Let's Talk session by calling CAPS at 848-932-7884 and choosing menu option 2.
CAPS Therapy Groups
Call 848-932-7884 to discuss if a particular group would be a good fit for your individual needs.
Click HERE to view current CAPS Therapy Group Offerings.Each semester, CAPS offers a wide range group therapy options that provide a safe environment for members to interact with their peers under the guidance of a licensed, professional therapist. Group offerings vary each semester and students are encouraged to review the descriptions for the the current semester's group offerings HERE and call CAPS at 848-932-7884 to discuss if a particular group would be a good fit for their individual needs.
Uwill: Free Immediate-Access to Teletherapy
Register and book your first session using your Rutgers email HERE.
Uwill provides free immediate access to teletherapy through an easy-to-use, private, secure, confidential, online platform. Choose a therapist based on your preferences, including issue, gender, language, and ethnicity. Select a time that fits your schedule, including day, night, and weekend availability.
TogetherAll: Free Online Support Community
Click HERE to learn more or join TogetherAll.
TogetherAll provides free peer-to-peer support communities through their app! Choose your community based on your preferences and interact with peers anonymously. Find a 24/7 online community with self-help courses and assessments covering topics such as anxiety, sleep, depression, and more. Licensed and registered mental health practitioners monitor the community to ensure the safety and anonymity of all members.
- Health Insurance Information for Graduate Fellows, TAs, and GAs
Health Insurance Information for Graduate Students who have Rutgers Student Health Insurance (United Healthcare)
Click HERE for more information about Student Health Insurance.
Click HERE to access the United Healthcare Student Insurance Information Portal (For Graduate Fellows: Select "Rutgers Post Doctorate, Grad Fellows, Teaching and Grad Assistants" as school name; For Non-Fellow Graduate Students: Select "Rutgers, The State University" as school name).
Click HERE to view the 2024-25 United Healthcare Plan Highlights for Graduate Fellows (including costs for insuring spouses and children).
Click HERE to view the 2024-25 United Healthcare Plan Highlights for Non-Fellow Graduate Students (including costs for insuring spouses and children).For graduate Students who have the single-coverage health insurance through Rutgers' Student Health Insurance Plan with United Healthcare, the fee for the Student Health Insurance Plan is included in the term bill of all full time students but may be waived each semester if a student has an alternate health insurance plan. Students may purchase coverage for their spouse and/or children at an additional cost.
For more information contact:
The Office of Student Health Insurance
Phone: 848-932-8285
Hurtado Health Center
11 Bishop Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901Health Insurance Information for Graduate Students who have Rutgers Employee Health Insurance (Horizon or NJDirect)
Click HERE for more information about benefits for graduate students covered by Rutgers employee health insurance plans.
Graduate students who have Rutgers employee health insurance may purchase coverage for their spouse and/or children. Please visit the link above for more information about the benefits available to graduate students covered by employee health insurance or contact the OneSource Faculty and Staff Service Center.
One Source Faculty and Staff Service Center
Phone: 732-745-7378
Email: Lactation Resources
On-Campus Lactation Spaces
Click HERE to view information about on-campus lactation spaces at Rutgers-New Brunswick and how to access them.
Click HERE for more information.
ZipMilk is a site that connects individuals seeking lactation support and resources to providers by zip code.
- Accommodations, Support, and Legal Services
Accommodations for Pregnancy and Related Conditions
Office of Compliance and Title IX
Location: 2 Richardson St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
Phone: 848-932-8200
Request accommodations for pregnancy or a related condition HERE.
Click HERE to learn more about resources, accommodations, and support available to pregnant and parenting students.Students experiencing pregnancy or a related condition, including childbirth, false pregnancy, loss, termination, and subsequent recovery are entitled to equal access to education, employment, and university programs and activities. Students experiencing pregnancy or a related condition (including partners, foster, and adoptive parents) are encouraged to reach out to the team at the Title IX office to discuss their right to reasonable accommodations, the team at the Title IX Office is here to help.
Support for Survivors of Violence
Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)
Location: 3 Bartlett Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
A trained advocate is available 24/7, if calling after business hours, please press 0 at the recording to be connected to the VPVA answering service. A trained advocate will call back from a blocked number within 15 minutes.
Visit their website HERE.The Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) offers free counseling and advocacy, crisis intervention, and other support services to both victims and survivors of crime and their loved ones who may also be impacted. VPVA is a confidential resource and offers services to students, faculty, and staff members.
Free Confidential Legal Advice
Location: Tillett Hall, Room 247, 53 Avenue E, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (Livingston Campus)
Phone: 848-932-4529
Click HERE to learn more about Rutgers Student Legal Services.Rutgers University Student Legal Services offers professional legal advice and assistance to eligible Rutgers– New Brunswick students at no cost by attorneys licensed to practice in New Jersey! Student Legal Services offers legal consultations on various matters including: tenant/landlord disputes, domestic violence, traffic violations, intellectual property, immigration/INS/DACA, civil suits, and more. They also provide notary services, attorney referrals, community outreach & education, and pre-law advising services.
- Housing Resources
On-Campus Family Housing
Click HERE for more information about family housing.
Click HERE for FAQs about family housing.
Click HERE for information about the cost of family housing.Rutgers offers on-campus family housing in furnished 2-bedroom apartments on Busch Campus located in close proximity to many university facilities and providing easy access to the free Rutgers bus system. Residents in family housing have access to Residence Life staff support and 24/7 crisis response coverage. Family housing is available to full-time students who are married or single and living with their minor children.
- Laboratory Safety Information for Pregnant Students
Laboratory and Workplace Safety Assessments
Click HERE for more information about REHS Reproductive and Developmental Health Assessments.
Click HERE to view the full Reproductive and Developmental Health Policy Statement.The Reproductive and Developmental Health Program overseen by Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety (REHS), conducts workplace assessments to identify and evaluate potential health and safety issues. Students, staff, and faculty members who are pregnant, have reproductive or developmental health concerns, or work with known mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic agents may request an assessment of their workplace. The requesting party will recieve a written report that details potential reproductive health risks associated with their university environment and reccomended control measures. The requesting party may choose to share this report with their personal reproductive health physicians and/or Rutgers occupational or student health professionals at their discretion in order to make an informed decision about their continued work or academic activities.
Laboratory Health and Safety: Legal Protections for Pregnant Students
Click HERE to read the full text of NJ 18A:3B-74
Request accommodations for pregnancy or a related condition HERE.New Jersey state law requires that institutions of higher education provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant students to enable them to complete their coursework and research. Reasonable accommodations include but are not limited to allowances for the student's health and safety, such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances. Students seeking accommodations for pregnancy or a related condition should contact the Office of Title IX using THIS form or by emailing Molly Rynn at
Leaves of Absence
- Academic Leave of Absence for Pregnancy and Related Conditions
Office of Compliance and Title IX
Location: 2 Richardson St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
Phone: 848-932-8200
Request accommodations for pregnancy or a related condition HERE.
Click HERE to learn more about resources, accommodations, and support available to pregnant and parenting students.Graduate students who are experiencing pregnancy or a related condition (including: childbirth, false pregnancy, loss, termination, and subsequent recovery) and are interested in taking an academic leave of absence should contact the Office of Compliance and Title IX to discuss their options and the appropriate process for their academic program.
Graduate students are entitled to take an academic leave of absence for pregnancy or childbirth for up to 12 months under New Jersey State law (C.18A:3B-74). Students in good academic standing who choose to take a leave of absence (as outlined by C.18A:3B-74) will return to their program in good academic standing and are afforded a minimum of 12 months to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations. The law also increases the normative time to degree while in candidacy for a degree in an amount equal to the length of the leave of absence, unless a longer extension is medically necessary.
Graduate students who are not the birth parent are entitled to take an academic leave of absence for up to 1 month due to the birth of their child under New Jersey State law (C.18A:3B-74). Students in good academic standing who choose to take a leave of absence (as outlined by C.18A:3B-74), will return to their program in good academic standing and are afforded up to 1 month (or longer if stipulated by their institution's policy) to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations. The law also increases the normative time to degree while in candidacy for a degree in an amount equal to the length of the leave of absence, unless a longer extension is medically necessary to care for their partner or child.
- Academic Leave of Absence for Parenting Students
Click HERE to find contact information for academic deans and advisors to discuss academic leave of absence options for parenting students.
Graduate students who are interested in taking an academic leave of absence for reasons related to their parenting status or caregiving responsibilities should reach out to their academic dean or advisor to discuss their options and the appropriate process for their program.
- Employment Leave of Absence
One Source Faculty and Staff Service Center
Phone: 732-745-7378
Submit employment leave inquiries or formal leave requests HERE.
Click HERE for more information about employment leaves of absence.Continuous Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) leave, intermittent FMLA, contractual leave, or another type of leave, may be available for graduate student employees (full-time, part-time, contingent) who are pregnant or experiencing other pregnancy-related conditions, experiencing a serious illness, or caring for an immediate family member who is experiencing a serious illness. Please review the specific policies, procedures, and eligibility criteria associated with each type of employment leave below and visit the Rutgers University Human Resources website HERE for additional information.
All graduate student employees who are seeking a leave of absence due to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum recovery, pregnancy loss, and/or child bonding, should submit a leave of absence request to the OneSource Faculty and Staff Service Center at least 30 days before the requested leave. They will then be contacted by a Leave Specialist. If OneSource advises a graduate student employee that they are not eligible for any such leave, they should contact the Office of Employment Equity (OEE) to request leave as a disability accommodation.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
In accordance with federal law, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides Family and Medical Leave to eligible employees who are unable to work due to a serious health condition or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition. FMLA affords employees up to 12 work weeks of leave during a 12-month period based on certain qualifying events including the serious illness of the employee or an immediate family member or the birth, adoption, or placement of a foster child. The leave time can be taken consecutively or intermittently, based on information provided by your healthcare provider. For more information and eligibility criteria, please visit the following resources:
- University Policy 60.3.8: Family Leave (Non-RBHS)
- University Policy 60.9.20: Medical/Family Medical Leave Act/Leave of Absence/New Jersey Paid Leave (RBHS)
- AAUP-AFT Collective Negotiations Agreement
- AAUP-AFT Quick Guide on Article 16: Parental and Medical Leaves
- Collective Negotiations Agreements (if applicable)
FMLA OneSource Self-Service Portal Knowledge Article
New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA)
The New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) entitles eligible employees to up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 24-month period for the birth or adoption of a child or to care for a spouse or civil union partner, child, parent, parent-in-law, or a person in a "parental relationship" with a serious health condition. Leave time may be taken consecutively or intermittently over a 24-month period based on information provided by your healthcare provider. NJFLA contains a wage replacement component that allows eligible employees to apply for benefits during a qualified leave and will pay up to a maximum of 6 weeks of NJ Family Leave Insurance (FLI) for eligible employees. For more information and eligibility criteria, please visit the following resources:
- University Policy 60.3.8: Family Leave (Non-RBHS)
- University Policy 60.9.20: Medical/Family Medical Leave Act/Leave of Absence/New Jersey Paid Leave (RBHS)
- AAUP-AFT Collective Negotiations Agreement
- AAUP-AFT Quick Guide on Article 16: Parental and Medical Leaves
Collective Negotiations Agreements (if applicable)
Maternity and Paternity Leave
Employees may take maternity leave to recover from childbirth. Maternity leave may begin 4 weeks prior to the anticipated due date. Depending on the type of paid time off available to an employee, maternity leave may be paid or unpaid. Employees with accrued sick time will be required to select the number of sick days to utilize first and then may choose whether to use some of all of their accrued paid time off or go on unpaid maternity leave. Adoptive mothers are not eligible for maternity leave but may be eligible for Family Leave and New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (FLI).
Employees may take paternity leave at the birth or adoption of a child. Eligible employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) and/or the New Jersey Family Leave Act (“NJFLA”). Paternity leave can be used within the first 12 months of the child’s birth, adoption or placement for foster care in order to facilitate bonding.
For more information and eligibility criteria, please visit the following resources:
- University Policy 60.3.9: Pregnancy Policy for Staff Employees (Non-RBHS)
- University Policy 60.9.20: Medical/Family Medical Leave Act/Leave of Absence/New Jersey Paid Leave (RBHS)
- AAUP-AFT Collective Negotiations Agreement
- AAUP-AFT Quick Guide on Article 16: Parental and Medical Leaves
- Collective Negotiations Agreements (if applicable)
Maternity and Paternity Leaves OneSource Self-Service Portal Knowledge Article
Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) and New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (FLI)
New Jersey’s Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) program provides cash benefits to NJ State employees who are unable to work due to a physical, mental health or other disability unrelated to their work, for up to 26 weeks as determined by your health care provider. Only faculty and staff are eligible for TDI, graduate students, TAs, and GAs are not eligible.
New Jersey Family Leave Insurance (FLI) is a wage-replacement program similar to New Jersey’s Temporary Disability Insurance program and replaces lost income when an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence for the care of others to bond with a child during the first 12 months after the child’s birth or adoption or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition. Only faculty and staff are eligible for FLI, graduate students, TAs, and GAs are not eligible.
For more information, eligibility criteria, or to file a claim, please refer to the following resources:
Continuation of Coverage During Leave
For leave of absence due to illness or family leave:
- You will pay your usual medical and/or prescription payroll deductions for the first three months of leave.
- You will pay both your and Rutgers' medical and/or prescription premiums for the next nine months of leave.
- You will pay both your and Rutgers' dental premiums for the first three months of leave. Thereafter, you may enroll in one of the Dental COBRA plans.
For personal leaves:
- You will pay both yours and Rutgers' premiums up to 9 months
Continuation of coverage under COBRA:
- If coverage ends while you are on leave, continuation of coverage is offered under COBRA for up to 18 months.
- You will receive a notice about continuation of coverage under COBRA at the time your coverage ends.
- When you return to active status, health coverage is reinstated if enrollment forms are submitted.
Continuation and/or Conversion of Life Insurance:
- For leave due to illness including maternity leave, both contributory (if applicable) and noncontributory life insurance remains in effect for one year.
- For all other unpaid leaves, life insurance continues for a maximum of 93 days.
- A conversion privilege is available through the Prudential Insurance Company without a medical exam, but you must apply for conversion within 31 days of termination of coverage.
For more information, please refer to the following resources:
- Life Insurance Conversion Calculator
- Call the Prudential Insurance Company at 1-877-889-2070 to apply for a conversion
OneSource Self-Service Portal Knowledge Article.
Additional Leave Information
Please review the resources below for additional information regarding employment leaves of absence.
- University Policy 60.3.6 – Leave of Absence for Personal Reasons (Non-RBHS)
- University Policy 60.3.7 – Medical Leave of Absence Without Salary (Non-RBHS)
- University Policy 60.9.7 – Administrative Leave (RBHS)
- University Policy 60.9.30 – Leave of Absence – Personal and Academic (RBHS)
- How to Submit a Leave Consultation Request
- Family Leave FAQ
- Long Term Disability FAQ
Parenting Student Support Contacts
The individuals below have identified themselves as allies of and advocates for pregnant and parenting graduate students, willing to provide support within their respective roles. If you are unsure of who to contact, please reach out to Dean Ghada Endick in the Office of Graduate Student Life at for further assistance.
- Non-Academic Support Liaisons
International Student Support
Carissa McCarthy
Assistant Director for Student Engagement & Special Populations, Rutgers Global ISSS
(848) 932-7015
carissam@global.rutgers.eduGraduate Student Support
Ghada Endick
Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Life
gradstudentlife@echo.rutgers.eduInterfaith Clergy & Spirituality Support
Rev. Katrina Jenkins
Assistant Dean for Faith and Spirituality Initiatives
katrina.e.jenkins@rutgers.eduRev. Jenkins can connect you with a confidential member of the clergy if you are interested in speaking with a confidential resource.
- Graduate School and Academic Liaisons
If you are a graduate student enrolled in a Rutgers–New Brunswick graduate or professional school seeking academic-related assistance, please reach out to your Graduate Program Director or the contact listed for your school of enrollment listed on THIS page. If you are unsure who to speak to, please reach out to Dean Ghada Endick in the Office of Graduate Student Life at for guidance.
- Confidential Support Resources
If you would like to speak to someone confidentially about your situation, please reach out to any of the offices below. Information shared with these resources is considered privileged and will not be shared with your academic school or program or employer.
Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)
Location: 3 Bartlett Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
A trained advocate is available 24/7, if calling after business hours, please press 0 at the recording to be connected to the VPVA answering service. A trained advocate will call back from a blocked number within 15 minutes.
Visit their website HERE.Counseling, ADAP, & Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
On multiple campuses
Visit their website HERE.Rutgers Student Health
On multiple campuses
Visit their website HERE.Office of Student Legal Services
Location: Tillett Hall, Room 247, 53 Avenue E, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (Livingston Campus)
Visit their website HERE.Chaplaincies and Affiliated Congregations
Location: On-campus and Off-campus
Chaplaincies are members of the Religious Life Council at Rutgers and chaplains on campus. Affiliated Congregations are places of worship in the local area that do not chaplains on campus but wish to promote their services to the Rutgers community.
Click HERE for more information about Rutgers Chaplaincies and Affiliated Congregations.
September 2024 National Student Parent Month Programs
Below is an archive of programs and events for parenting graduate students and their families that ran during September 2024 for National Student Parent Month. For a full list of events download the programs FLYER.
- 2024 National Student Parent Month Programs
We will be celebrating our Graduate Student Parents throughout the month of September. This month is dedicated to recognizing the importance of empowering student parents as they balance the demands of academics and family life, raise awareness about their unique challenges, provide opportunities to learn about resources and get connected to fellow grad parents. The programs below were planned in collaboration with Supporting Parents and Caregivers (SPCR) at Rutgers Graduate Student Organization, Office of Title IX and Office of Graduate Student Life.
Appreciate a Grad Student Parent
For the month of September acknowledge a graduate student parent superhero by submitting an empowering message of support and recognition of their hard work and commitment juggling the demands of graduate school and family life. Notes will be sent to students along with an RU Express gift card from the Office of Graduate Student Life. Submit HERE by September 30.
Supporting Parents & Caregivers at Rutgers (SPCR): Back to School Virtual Lunch
Wednesday September 25, 12pm – 1pm
Join SPCR for the first social event of the semester! We will host a meeting via Zoom to get to know other graduate student parents and caregivers at Rutgers, as well as discuss available resources for students in and around campus. Feel free to buy lunch for the Zoom meeting- it will be on us (up to $15)!Know Your Rights and Available Resources as a Pregnant or Parenting Graduate Student ~ Information Session
Friday September 27 * 12pm – 1pm (virtual)
Register HERE. To register prior to that send email to gradstudentlife@echo.rutgers.eduAre you a student who is currently pregnant, planning a pregnancy or are you a lactating mom? Join us for this information session on understanding how Title IX protects you from discrimination, resources from Office of Graduate Student Life, CAPS and Basic Needs and groups to get connected with to build community. We will share resources, how the accommodation process works and the supports that are available. Hosted by Title IX, Office of Graduate Student Life, CAPS and Basic Needs.
Ultimo Domingo Celebration at the Zimmerli Museum
Sunday September 29, 2024, 1pm – 3pm Zimmerli Museum, 71 Hamilton Street
No Registration Required, Free and Open to the Public
Information: Join us for September Último Domingo in celebration of Latinx Heritage Month! Enjoy a vibrant day filled with live music, guided tours of the museum, engaging art activities and delicious food. This free event is open to all ages and communities. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to honor and experience the rich cultural heritage of the Latinx community. Contact Info: education@zimmerli.rutgers.eduMilk & Cookies Series at the State Theater ~ Lively Storytelling and Music Series (all ages welcome, recommended for children 3-8)
Saturday October 19, 2024, 10am at the State Theater Studio
Free Ticket Reservations, Click HERE to reserve your tickets
Join Amelia Robinson of Mil's Trills as she presents songs from her fourth album, Let It Out, offering musical tools and activities for all ages that help identify, accept, and process emotions in positive and reaffirming ways. Connect with neighbors, family, and friends to restore community, nourish self-love, and build empathy. Milk & Cookies is a lively, interactive storytelling and music series for families. This program, which takes place in a studio and is the perfect way to introduce children ages 3-8 to live theater. Includes a cookie and a carton of milk for every child after the show. Approximately 45 minute performance. Click HERE to reserve your tickets. Filling out this form is not a guarantee of a ticket, you will receive an email confirming your tickets, if we are able to accommodate. Feel free to contact with any questions! For more information on show click HERE.
Policy Brief on Parenting Students and Graduate Education: A Call for Child- and Family-Friendly Infrastructure at Rutgers
The School of Graduate Studies' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Graduate Student Advisory Committee has released a policy brief, entitled, "Parenting Students and Graduate Education: A Call for Child- and Family-Friendly Infrastructure at Rutgers."
The brief summarizes research about parenting graduate students and outlines recommendations Rutgers should take to support this community and grow the University-wide commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. The report reflects the culmination of two years of research, relationship-building, and co-writing by graduate student and postdoc members & conveners of the Holistic Student Supports subcommittee of SGS's DEI Graduate Student Advisory Committee. It is also part of a growing campus-wide effort to expand supports for parenting graduate students, thanks to the leadership and advocacy of the Supporting Parents and Caregivers at Rutgers (SPCR) Graduate Student Organization, the Office of Graduate Student Life, the Title IX Office, and Dean Mark Robson in the School of Graduate Studies. The co-authors hope that Rutgers administrators, faculty, and staff will engage with the brief to inform creative and sustainable investments and supports for parenting graduate students. Click HERE to review and read the report
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This webpage was last updated on March 6, 2025