Below is a compilation of campus services and resources available to graduate students at Rutgers University. Please email if you are struggling to get connected to services or unsure of who to speak to concerning non-academic challenges you are facing.
Accommodations, Support, and Legal Services
- Office of Disability Services (ODS)
Office of Disability Services (ODS)
Location: Lucy Stone Hall, Suite A145 (54 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway), Livingston Campus
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) works to provide reasonable accommodations to graduate students with disabilities. ODS is located on the Livingston Campus and can be contacted by phone (848-202-3111) or email ( To learn more about ODS, visit their website HERE. Click HERE for more information about specific services available for graduate students.
ODS accommodates a wide range of conditions including, but not limited to: hearing/vision/mobility conditions, chronic illnesses, learning disabilities, psychological diagnoses (including anxiety and depression), traumatic brain injuries, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Click HERE for more information about disabilities, if you are unsure if you identify as having a disability or if you’d qualify for accommodations, submit an inquiry using THIS form, a member of the ODS staff is more than happy to speak with you!
- Temporary Conditions
Temporary Conditions
Temporary conditions are injuries or illnesses that usually last less than 8 weeks but may cause unforeseen barriers that impact your experience at Rutgers. If you are a graduate student enrolled in a Rutgers–New Brunswick graduate or professional school seeking assistance for a temporary condition, please reach out to your Dean or Director of Student Services or the contact listed for your school of enrollment listed on THIS page. If you are unsure who to speak to, please reach out to Dean Ghada Endick in the Office of Graduate Student Life at for guidance.
If you are experiencing a condition that persists beyond 8 weeks or becomes chronic, you may be eligible for assistance through the Office of Disability Services.
- Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)
Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA)
Location: 3 Bartlett Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
A trained advocate is available 24/7, if calling after business hours, please press 0 at the recording to be connected to the VPVA answering service. A trained advocate will call back from a blocked number within 15 minutes.
Visit their website HERE.The Office of Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance (VPVA) offers free counseling and advocacy, crisis intervention, and other support services to both victims and survivors of crime and their loved ones who may also be impacted. VPVA is a confidential resource and offers services to students, faculty, and staff members.
- Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services
Location: Tillett Hall, Room 247, 53 Avenue E, Piscataway, NJ 08854 (Livingston Campus)
Phone: 848-932-4529
Click HERE to learn more about Rutgers Student Legal Services.Rutgers University Student Legal Services offers professional legal advice and assistance to eligible Rutgers– New Brunswick students at no cost by attorneys licensed to practice in New Jersey! Student Legal Services offers legal consultations on various matters including: tenant/landlord disputes, domestic violence, traffic violations, intellectual property, immigration/INS/DACA, civil suits, and more. They also provide notary services, attorney referrals, community outreach & education, and pre-law advising services.
- Office of Compliance and Title IX
Office of Compliance and Title IX
Location: 2 Richardson St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
Phone: 848-932-8200
Click HERE to learn more about the Office of Compliance and Title IX.The Office of Compliance and Title IX strives to provide a safe campus environment free from all forms of sex-based discrimination and sexual violence by addressing misconduct and providing education. The Office of Compliance and Title IX addresses misconduct regarding: sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking and related forms of misconduct. The Office of Compliance and Title IX also provides reasonable accommodations to students experiencing pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. To learn more about the Office of Compliance and Title IX, visit their website HERE.
- Office of the Ombudsperson for Students
Office of the Ombudsperson for Students
The Office of the Ombudsperson for Students offers Rutgers University–New Brunswick students high-level assistance when they feel they have exhausted all other methods to resolve their issues related to the university. They are an informal and confidential resource for students and can informally investigate options for alternative, fair solutions to problems students have within the university. Click HERE for more information about the Office of the Ombudsperson for Students.
Basic Needs Resources
- Rutgers Student Food Pantry & Mobile Food Pantry
Rutgers Student Food Pantry & Mobile Food Pantry
Click HERE to view operating hours and location information.
The Rutgers Student Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry is dedicated to helping all Rutgers students in need of food. Students can visit the Student Food Pantry located in the College Avenue Student Center or visit one of several Mobile Food Pantry locations and receive about one week’s worth of groceries, no questions asked. Click HERE to learn more about the Rutgers Student Food Pantry and Mobile Food Pantry.
- Rutgers Emergency Aid Fund
Rutgers Emergency Aid Fund
Click HERE for more information and to find the application for Emergency Aid
The Rutgers Emergency Aid Fund provides RU-New Brunswick students with one-time need-based financial support for unforeseen, unavoidable, and unplanned costs associated with emergencies like accidents, illnesses, fire and water damage, or the need for emergency housing or food. International and undocumented students are eligible to apply for the Emergency Aid Fund.
- Office of Off-Campus Living & Community Partnerships: Student Basic Needs
Office of Off-Campus Living & Community Partnerships: Student Basic Needs
Location: 39 Union St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (College Ave Campus)
Request an appointment HERE
Instagram: @rubasicneeds
Click HERE for more information.The Office of Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships: Student Basic Needs aims to assist Rutgers Students who are struggling to meet one or more of their basic needs. Basic Needs include but are not limited to food, housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, transportation, and financial or other resources. Student Basic Needs provides a variety of supports and referrals to assist students in ensuring their basic needs are met including the food and mobile food pantry, an emergency aid fund, and assistance navigating external assistance resources.
Health & Wellness Resources
- Mental Health Resources
Crisis and Emergency Support
If you are experiencing a crisis and are in immediate danger or need immediate medical attention, call 911.
24/4 Crisis Phone Line: Call or Text 988 (English and Spanish)
24/7 Crisis Text Line: 741-741
24/7 LGBTQIA+ Crisis Hotline - Trevor Project: Call 866-488-7386 or Text 678-678
Trans LifeLine (crisis hotline run by Transgender people for Transgender people): call 877-565-8860 (English & Spanish, 1pm-9pm EST, Monday-Friday)
CAPS on-call crisis counselor (available Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm): 848-932-7882A CAPS on-call crisis counselor is available Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm (except university holidays) to provide support for students experiencing a psychological or emotional crisis. Call CAPS (848-932-7882) or visit 17 Senior Street on the College Ave Campus to access the on-call crisis counselor. Click HERE for more information.
Counseling and Mental Health Support
Rutgers Student Health: CAPS (Counseling, Alcohol & Other Drug Assistance Program, & Psychiatric Services)
Phone: 848-932-7884
24/4 Crisis Phone Line: Call or Text 988 (English and Spanish)
24/7 Crisis Text Line: 741-741
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE for FAQs about insurance and billing.CAPS is the Rutgers University mental health support resource that provides a variety of services including crisis intervention, individual therapy, group therapy, workshops, alcohol and substance-use assistance programs, psychiatric care & medication management, and community referrals.
Let's Talk Drop In Counseling Conversations
Call 848-932-7884, menu option 2 to schedule a Let's Talk session.
Click HERE to learn more and view the schedule for drop-in sessions.Let's Talk sessions are free, private and confidential drop-in Conversations with licensed mental health professionals offered by Rutgers Student Health: CAPS. Let’s Talk sessions are offered by CAPS community-based counselors who are located on all five campuses with a variety of availability options. Community-based counselors are diverse in social, racial, ethnic, gender, age, and sexual identities to meet the diverse needs of our graduate population. Let's Talk sessions are offered in-person, via telehealth or phone. Drop-in Let's Talk sessions are offered but you can schedule a Let's Talk session by calling CAPS at 848-932-7884 and choosing menu option 2.
See below for details for Fall 2024 Let's Talk Sessions with our graduate student focused counselors!
Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm with Dana Simons, Busch Campus or ZOOM
Location: In-person in CABM Room 240 at 679 Hoes Lane West, Piscataway, OR via Zoom at this LINK. No appointment is needed. If you want to talk to Dana Simons at any other time, call 848-932-7884 and press #2 to leave a message with your name, RUID, and phone number and she will call you back.
Mondays 2 pm – 4 pm, Thursdays 2pm - 4pm & Fridays 11am-Noon with Shan Reeves, in person OR ZOOM
You can see Shan on Mondays 2 PM - 4 PM at 5 Seminary Pl (Honors College), Room E125, Thursdays 2 PM to 4 PM at Chemistry and Chemical Biology Building, 123 Bevier Road, Room 2105 and Fridays 11AM - 12PM Location: 15 Seminary Place, Academic Building West, Room 5050. First-come, first-serve basis. Walk-ins are welcomed, but appointments can be made. If you want to schedule an appointment for Let's Talk, call 848-932-7884, option 2.
If these days, times, or formats do not meet your needs, we encourage you to connect with our other Let’s Talk community-based counselors who are located across all five campuses with a variety of availability options. Our counselors are diverse in social, racial, ethnic, gender, age, and sexual identities to meet the diverse needs of our graduate population. To see other Let's Talk options, visit HERE.CAPS Therapy Groups
Call 848-932-7884 to discuss if a particular group would be a good fit for your individual needs.
Click HERE to view current CAPS Therapy Group Offerings.Each semester, CAPS offers a wide range group therapy options that provide a safe environment for members to interact with their peers under the guidance of a licensed, professional therapist. Group offerings vary each semester and students are encouraged to review the descriptions for the the current semester's group offerings HERE and call CAPS at 848-932-7884 to discuss if a particular group would be a good fit for their individual needs.
Uwill: Free Immediate-Access to Teletherapy
Register and book your first session using your Rutgers email HERE.
Uwill provides free immediate access to teletherapy through an easy-to-use, private, secure, confidential, online platform. Choose a therapist based on your preferences, including issue, gender, language, and ethnicity. Select a time that fits your schedule, including day, night, and weekend availability.
TogetherAll: Free Online Support Community
Click HERE to learn more or join TogetherAll.
TogetherAll provides free peer-to-peer support communities through their app! Choose your community based on your preferences and interact with peers anonymously. Find a 24/7 online community with self-help courses and assessments covering topics such as anxiety, sleep, depression, and more. Licensed and registered mental health practitioners monitor the community to ensure the safety and anonymity of all members.
- Medical and Healthcare Resources
Rutgers Student Health: Gender Affirming Care Services
Phone: 848-932-7402
Schedule an appointment online HERE.
Click HERE for to learn more about Gender Affirming Care services and click HERE for FAQs about insurance and billing.Rutgers Student Health provides a wide range of gender affirming care services including assistance with medical and counseling services. Rutgers Student Health can provide assistance related to transitioning including: medical counseling, hormone therapy, hormone-level monitoring, referrals to external healthcare providers such as endocrinologists or surgeons, and signing official name-change documents. Rutgers Student Health Services also provides a variety of counseling services including: structured evidence-based individual counseling, group counseling, crisis management, substance abuse assessment and treatment, psychiatric services, and referrals to community providers.
Rutgers Student Health: Pregnancy Counseling, Referrals, Sexual Health, and Wellness Services
Phone: 848-932-7402
Schedule an appointment online HERE.
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE for FAQs about sexual and reproductive wellness services and click HERE for FAQs about insurance and billing.Rutgers Student Health provides pregnancy counseling and referral services for prenatal care and pregnancy termination. Rutgers Student Health also provides a comprehensive range of sexual health and wellness services including: gynecological visits, male sexual health visits, STI screening and treatment, contraceptive consultation and prescription (options for hormonal and Long Acting Reversible Contraception devices such as an Implant or Intrauterine Device).
- Health Insurance Information for Graduate Students
Health Insurance Information for Graduate Students who have Rutgers Student Health Insurance (United Healthcare)
Click HERE for more information about Student Health Insurance.
Click HERE to access the United Healthcare Student Insurance Information Portal (For Graduate Fellows: Select "Rutgers Post Doctorate, Grad Fellows, Teaching and Grad Assistants" as school name; For Non-Fellow Graduate Students: Select "Rutgers, The State University" as school name).
Click HERE to view the 2024-25 United Healthcare Plan Highlights for Graduate Fellows (including costs for insuring spouses and children).
Click HERE to view the 2024-25 United Healthcare Plan Highlights for Non-Fellow Graduate Students (including costs for insuring spouses and children).For graduate Students who have the single-coverage health insurance through Rutgers' Student Health Insurance Plan with United Healthcare, the fee for the Student Health Insurance Plan is included in the term bill of all full time students but may be waived each semester if a student has an alternate health insurance plan. Students may purchase coverage for their spouse and/or children at an additional cost.
For more information contact:
The Office of Student Health Insurance
Phone: 848-932-8285
Hurtado Health Center
11 Bishop Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901Health Insurance Information for Graduate Students who have Rutgers Employee Health Insurance (Horizon or NJDirect)
Click HERE for more information about benefits for graduate students covered by Rutgers employee health insurance plans.
Graduate students who have Rutgers employee health insurance may purchase coverage for their spouse and/or children. Please visit the link above for more information about the benefits available to graduate students covered by employee health insurance or contact the OneSource Faculty and Staff Service Center.
One Source Faculty and Staff Service Center
Phone: 732-745-7378
Community & Belonging
- Campus Cultural Centers
Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC)
Location: 600 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, Busch Campus
Phone Number: 848-445-3545
Email: prccrutgers@echo.rutgers.eduThe Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC) was founded in 1969 and is dedicated to serving the Rutgers University Community by offering a wealth of programs, initiatives, and services that reflect the robust history, heritage, and diversity of the African diaspora. For more information about the PRCC, visit their website HERE.
Center for Latino Arts and Culture (CLAC)
Location: 172 College Ave, New Brunswick, College Ave Campus
Call: 848-932-1263
Book an appointment with a CLAC staff member: HERE
The Center for Latino Arts and Culture (CLAC) is dedicated to building a creative space where the Rutgers community can discover and critically discover what it means to be Latino/a in the United States. For more information about the CLAC, visit their website HERE.Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities (SJE)
Location: 17 Bartlett St, New Brunswick, College Ave Campus
Call: 848-445-4141
The Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities (SJE) provides educational and social programs, leadership development, and policy consultation for LGBTQIA and ally students, faculty, staff, and community members. For more information about SJE, visit their website HERE.Asian American Cultural Center (AACC)
Location: 49 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, Livingston Campus
Call: 848-445-8043
The Asian American Cultural Center works to foster a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all students at Rutgers University and community partners by providing programs and initiatives focused on issues relevant to the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community. For more information about the AACC, visit their website HERE.- Faith & Spirituality
Chaplaincies and Affiliated Congregations
Location: On-campus and Off-campus
Chaplaincies are members of the Religious Life Council at Rutgers and chaplains on campus. Affiliated Congregations are places of worship in the local area that do not chaplains on campus but wish to promote their services to the Rutgers community.
Click HERE for more information about Rutgers Chaplaincies and Affiliated Congregations.Interfaith Prayer & Meditation Spaces
Rutgers maintains interfaith prayer and meditation rooms on all New Brunswick campuses to provide students of any or no particular religious tradition with physical space to gather and reflect. Find a list of interfaith prayer/meditation spaces HERE.
Faith-Based Student Organizations
Visit getINVOLVED HERE for a current list of faith-based student organizations at Rutgers-New Brunswick.
Resources for International Students
- Rutgers Global: International Student Scholar Services
Rutgers Global: International Student Scholar Services (RU Global ISSS)
Rutgers Global International Student Scholar Services offers support to international students by providing advice and counsel on US immigration regulations and compliance, immigration application processing, cross-cultural programming, advocacy, and outreach. RU Global ISSS can be reached by phone at 848-932-7015. To learn more about RU Global ISSS, visit their website HERE.
- International Student Shopping Shuttle Service
International Student Shopping Shuttle Service
Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE to view the Spring 2025 Shuttle Schedule.Rutgers Global–International Student and Scholar Services arrange shopping shuttles to local stores throughout the semester and summer so students can purchase groceries and other living essentials. Click the schedule links to sign up and reserve your spot on the shuttle. International students and scholars who have signed up will be given preference to ride on the shuttle. You may also register your dependents for the shuttle.
Parking & Transportation
- Parking On Campus
Parking for Graduate Students
Find information about parking on campus with your student parking pass HERE (select the type of parking pass you purchased from the dropdown menu to find out what lots and campuses your permit allows you to park in and when).
Click HERE to find information about purchasing spouse parking permits for on-campus residents living in family housing.
Click HERE for more information about student parking permits and click HERE for parking FAQs.
Need help parking on campus? Contact the Department of Transportation Services HERE.
Parking for TAs/GAs
Click HERE for information about parking on campus with a faculty/staff parking pass.
Click HERE for information about faculty/staff parking lots.
Click HERE to find information about purchasing spouse parking permits for on-campus residents living in family housing.
Need help parking on campus? Contact the Department of Transportation Services HERE.
- On-Campus Transportation
Rutgers Campus Bus System
The Rutgers University Campus Bus system provides FREE safe and reliable transportation between the New Brunswick campuses using ADA-accessible buses.
Click HERE to view a map of the weekday bus routes and click HERE to view weekday bus routes.
Click HERE to view weekend bus routes.
Click HERE for more information about campus bus routes.Get Real-Time Bus Updates Using Passio GO!
Passio GO! allows you to track your campus bus and get real-time updates on your phone through the Passio GO! app or using a web browser. Click HERE to access Passio GO! on the web.Overnight On-Campus Transportation: The Knight Mover
The Knight Mover provides intercampus transportation between 3:00am-6:00am Monday-Thursday after the Rutgers Bus system ceases operations for the night. Students can call 732-932-7433 and show their university ID in order to use the Knight Mover. The Knight Mover does not operate Friday-Sunday as the Rutgers Bus system runs overnight these days.
Find more information about the Knight Mover on THIS page.
Information Technology Resources
- Information Technology Support
Information Technology Support
The Rutgers Office of Information Technology offers free and discounted licensed software to students, on-campus computer labs, 24/7 virtual computer labs, tech support, and more.
Graduate Student Life Resource Guide
The Graduate Student Welcome Reception and Resource Fair was held on Thursday, 9/12/2024, and had representation from over 30 university departments and 6 affinity and non-academic-based Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs). This guide is a helpful "go to" resource for all graduate students to reference for questions and helpful contacts: Download the NEW 2024 guide HERE.
This webpage was last updated on February 26, 2025.