Why the Colloquium is Critical Right Now

Why the February 25th and 26th Colloquium on LGBTQAI+ Medical and Mental Health is critical right now due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

Everyone needs to further educate themselves more and register for the Colloquium today:

On January 22, 2021, President Biden signed executive orders to address the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis. The orders include plans to expand the federal nutrition assistance program, pause federal debt payments for veterans, establish a $15 an hour minimum wage for federal employees and employees of contractors, and provide unemployment protections for workers.

Williams Institute research shows that LGBTQAI+ people are disproportionately unemployed, food insecure, and living in poverty. According to their data collected before the pandemic began, 9% of LGBT adults were unemployed, 27% experienced food insecurity, 22% were living in poverty.

Deferment of debts could help many of the estimated 601,000 LGBT veterans in the U.S. On all measures of economic stability, LGBTQ people of color fare worse than their white counterparts.

Source: January 22, 2021: Williams Institute, a think tank at UCLA Law dedicated to conducting rigorous, independent research on sexual orientation and gender law and public policy.