Welcome to the Office of Graduate Student Life!

The mission of the Office of Graduate Student Life (OGSL) is to enhance the educational experience and quality of life for Rutgers University-New Brunswick graduate and professional students by serving their diverse needs, fostering community and a sense of belonging, and helping students navigate the vast array of resources available at Rutgers.

  • Supporting the navigation of university resources and services.
  • Creating programs to connect students and build communities outside their disciplines and around shared social identities and experiences (affinity).
  • Fostering an institutional culture that recognizes and celebrates the contributions of graduate students.
  • Providing graduate student exclusive spaces.

If you are a graduate student and have non-academic issues or questions, please fill out this form for assistance or email us at gradstudentlife@echo.rutgers.edu.

Feel free to browse the student support, academic support, and professional development resources available on our website!